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Explorations and Reflections

on awakening the true self 

Writer's pictureMick Scott

It's Physics, Not Psychology

This morning I taught two computer science classes, then left campus to have a coaching conversation with a client. 

At the end of the first class, I felt a little frustrated and stressed - both at my students and at myself. This class is designing and constructing somewhat complex circuits, and I didn’t like their lack of inventiveness nor my own planning gaps. 

(“Whenever you are suffering, your suffering is contained in a single thought: ‘I don’t like this’” - Rupert Spira.)

Frustration and stress - they're both energy within us. They're physics, not psychology. 

10 minutes later, by the time my second class started, I was freed up from the potentially constraining effect of those emotions, and I brought connection, insight, and enjoyment to my second class. 

You see, the frustration and stress, being energy waves and vibrations within my body, can get transmuted into new emotions like passion, connection, and enjoyment - in a dance with my internal physics.

Thoughts play a key role in all this, yes, and thoughts are just energy too.

Energy is the realm of physics, not psychology.

After my second class, I went home, had lunch, prepared for my meeting with a client, and then had the client meeting. It was powerful and insightful for both me and the client.

Then, 5 minutes after the conversation, fear crept into my being. “Was it valuable enough?” “Was the coaching good enough?” 

We resist these emotions and thinking! Or we avoid them. Or we react from them. Really!  

Resisting, avoiding, and reacting - that’s physics. It’s internal physics how we relate to our emotions and our thinking. It’s internal physics how we relate to our circumstances and experiences. It’s an interplay of energy within us - it's internal physics.

By the time I was in the car a couple minutes later, the fear was literally gone and I was present to gratitude and love. (Gratitude and love might sound sappy, AND I continue to want nothing else in my experience of my life.)

You see, I’m literally in the business of Mind Mastery. And mind mastery isn’t about psychology. Sure, there are some psychological components, but mind mastery is much more about our internal physics than psychology. 

No, it's not the kind of physics that requires math and equations. It's much more the physics of gymnastics, yoga, and martial arts - a mastery of the physics of our being at a physical and emotional level.

Next time you’re feeling uncomfortable feelings or thinking uncomfortable thoughts, be willing to explore them further than you usually do. What really is that feeling I’m feeling? Beyond the label? Beyond the sense of discomfort?

And if you're extra willing, look at how you're relating to those emotions/thoughts and the way you're responding to them with energy from the will. That space of awareness is the sweet spot of mind mastery, the mastery of your internal physics.

I promise you, it’s just energy. And the more masterful we get at being with, releasing, and transmuting that energy - instead of resisting it, avoiding it, or reacting from it - the freer we become.

A physics teacher colleague and I like to joke that all science is in some way or another just an extension of physics. Well, it looks like the internal science of our being just might be physics too.

Free yourself, dear friend. Learn to master the physics of your being.

Thanks again to Michael Singer for this powerful idea.

Much Love. ❤️

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