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Explorations and Reflections

on awakening the true self 

Writer's pictureMick Scott

These Are Your Wings. Fly.

Just like birds, humans need two healthy wings to fly. 

The two wings we fly with: Will and Grace.

99.999% of our lives is completely out of our control. The weather, our place of birth, our genetics, our childhood conditioning, etc. Other people, their thoughts, their emotions, their desires, objectives, and needs. Physics, biology, chemistry, and art.

We live so much by the Grace of something beyond us - God, the universe, the quantum field, it's got many names.

The inspiration that pokes at us from beneath our being - that's Grace.

The values and commitments we live with - whether inspired and self-selected or trained by our families and culture - that's Grace.

The mere and miraculous conditions of our very existence, from the beginning of time and the universe through our birth and growth - that's Grace.

Many of us ignore or avoid or resist inspiration most of the time. We ignore or avoid or resist the inner poke or push to speak up, to commit, to forgive, to create, to love, to let go, to pick up, to put down. We ignore or avoid or resist the commitments we've made, the word we've given, the opportunities for honesty, integrity, camaraderie, and collaboration.

That's not a failure of Grace - that's a failure of Will.

(When most of us hear "will", we think of tension or of forcing something. That's not what I mean. There's another way to access and direct our Will. In fact, we can access and apply our will gracefully.)

God/the universe provides the conditions as they are in this moment, and how we apply our Will either:

  • honors inspiration or not

  • honors our values or not

  • honors our commitments or not

  • honors what matters most to us or not

  • honors vitality or not

  • honors love or honors fear

  • honors intentionality or honors resignation

The pilot light of our deepest Self NEVER goes out, and we are given infinite opportunities throughout daily life to honor it.

Are you committed to applying your will to honor the grace you are lucky enough to be gifted?

You've been gifted the universe in the life that animates you, in the heart that feels, in the mind that creates. Honor it all, and honor yourself, by applying your will with fullness and integrity.

Thank you to one of my insightful teachers, Michael Singer (author of Living Untethered), for this distinction.

Much Love. ❤️

P.S. when you’re ready to elevate and fine-tune how you apply your beautiful will to honor the grace gifted to you, there are 2 ways to work with me:

  • One-on-one and relationship coaching (16+)

  • Mind Mastery group programs for your team, school, business, or organization.

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