We sentence ourselves, others, and the world with our words, and it limits what's possible.
I’m not good at this.
It’ll never happen.
She’s really mean.
I can't say that.
I don’t have the energy.
That kid is too much.
This is hard.
He’s so insensitive.
I don't have the patience for this today.
This place is toxic.
Nature is screwed.
We see something, hear someone, or step into a new room and our mind is already made up. We know this type of person. We’ve been in this situation before. We think we know who we are and what we're capable of.
Before we know it, we’re mostly engaging with our own thinking and not with the person in front of us. Not with the situation at hand. Not from our fullest capacity.
Our brains are wired to minimize uncertainty. We like to know what to expect. So, in our minds, we box ourselves and others up and call it an effective strategy for living.
Some of our thoughts and judgments are visible and obvious. Others are invisible and subtle. Most of our thoughts are in our minds, and so many of them live in our bodies too.
What thoughts and judgments have you used to sentence yourself?
What thoughts and judgments have you used to sentence others?
What thoughts and judgments have you used to sentence the world?
Our sentences are the lid on what’s possible. Our sentences close doors and block opportunities. Our sentences limit our creativity.
One of the most rewarding, freeing, and empowering things we can do is to transform the sentences we use. Mostly, our sentences simply describe people, situations, and the world using judgmental thinking.
The world alters when we use our sentences to generate new visions and perspectives of what's possible for ourselves and others.
Here are 4 steps to being intentional with your sentences:
First, become aware of the sentences already running your life. (This, by the way, is one of the key purposes behind mindfulness practices.)
Second, become aware of the impacts of the sentences running your life.
Third, decide whether you want to keep those sentences in their place of power or not.
Fourth, start saying some new sentences.
Two of my created sentences:
I am safe, and there's nothing I need to figure out.
I am amazing, and working with me has a profound and lasting impact on people's lives.
Thank you so much for reading. ❤️
P.S. If you're ready to lay to rest old sentences that no longer serve you AND create something beautiful, powerful, and true for you, let's talk.